Friday, February 24, 2017

New Favorite Food (Kind Of)

I love pizza. I cannot control myself around pizza, and whenever I eat it, I go way over my goals for the day. After deal with an intense pizza craving, I did some research about fixes and decided to make a tortilla pizza using my cast iron skillet and a really hot oven. The results were really good and I was able to satisfy my pizza craving. I have now made several types and I am in love.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Running with The Nanny

So I've been giving this running thing a shot. By running, I mean jogging in place in my basement...but it's better than nothing. One of my favorite shows as a teenager was The Nanny and over the summer I got the box set (all six seasons!). I've decided to use them as motivation to move while watching something that I enjoy. It's a great tool for procrastinating on real work, actually. I've been making it about 10 minutes straight, trying to add a minute each day that I run. I enjoy myself, and after I take a break, I keep running and finish the episode which is about 22 minutes long, so not too bad. Still using myfitnesspal and enjoying trying out new healthy recipes I've read online. My favorite so far has been healthy pancakes made with rolled oats instead of flour (I was gifted some homemade maple syrup, so that was a nice addition).

Friday, February 3, 2017

Using MyFitnessPal

So using myfitnesspal has been pretty easy so far. I find it pretty easy to log everything in and I've convinced my mom to join too, so she keeps me on the straight and narrow. The most challenging part so far is eating breakfast. I do fine on the weekends, but I am never hungry at school (sometimes not for lunch either). All nutritional advice that I have read so far (mostly on eat this not that) has suggested eating an hour after waking and eating regularly after that. That has been a struggle for me since I was a kid, and it is not much easier now. Having my mom cheering me on is helping, and I did find a breakfast I don't mind which is Dannon Oikos Triple Zero which fills me up without making me feel sick at work.